Jacqueline brings a wealth of world and life experience and a background as a health professional and clinician which complements her esoteric knowledge and intuitive skills. Jacqueline has had a lifelong passion for self-development which led her to the studies of tarot, astrology, spirituality, and “alternative” health. Her life purpose is to assist in achieving a balanced society by empowering the feminine in both women and men. With an ongoing interest in painting and creativity. Jacqueline owns a studio and learning space overlooking a beautiful garden in Sandringham, Melbourne, Australia. Her greatest joys are her two adult children and three grandchildren.
"Feminine Masculine Balance examines ways to shift perspective and balance Feminine and Masculine aspects, giving a language and vision for a more peaceful future.
Jacqueline dismantles limited gender and societal roles and expectations with a practical, considered approach based on non-violence, equality and acceptance.
Feminine and Masculine qualities (equal but different) are brought together, to become a powerful agent for growth and opportunity. This is a not only a wonderful and inspiring revelation, but an incredibly useful hands-on guide to living and communicating with respect and harmony".
- Merryl Key
Holistic Health Practitioner
BA Communications
Dip Health Sciences
Dip Applied Astrology
"I wish to affirm the value of the Feminine and Masculine Chart within an educational environment, from the point of view of a teacher. Finding the Balance helped to empower and clarify my message while communicating with students and colleagues on a daily basis. Most importantly, it enabled me to develop a deeper sense of awareness in how I wanted to express what I needed to say more mindfully.
My Feminine voice grew in confidence as I established common ground with individuals who acted and expressed themselves from a Masculine Aspect. The chart is a simple yet powerful guide that helped me to understand many situations with students or staff that were challenging or complex in nature, with more context."
- Dee Mooney
Literary Leader
"Jacqueline McLeod is a powerful voice in elevating us to a higher level of consciousness. I can't recommend Feminine Masculine Balance strongly enough."
- Jacquie Wise
Integrative Coach, Counsellor and Speaker
Wise Ways
“Oh Jacqueline, I have just finished reading your book .......... my entire being is overflowing with impressions, thoughts and ideas I urgently need to discuss/debate.......... Thank you for enriching my train of thoughts, my attitudes towards ever so many subjects by explaining the FMB principle......... I can’t wait to discuss it all with you!!!! Congratulations on your wonderfully clear and logical "lesson" Lots of love and my deeply felt admiration”
- Barbara Meilenbrock
Perpetual Seeker of Knowledge
Free Spirit
Incorrigible Optimist