Our society frequently uses the terms feminine and women synonymously and masculine and men synonymously. They are not synonymous.
In general terms, men embody and represent the masculine energies and women embody and represent the feminine energies. Women tend to have more curved bodies and are generally more intuitive, emotional, and imaginative. Men tend to have more angular bodies and are generally more rational, logical, and analytical. In other words, in most cases, men have more masculine energy than feminine energy and women have more feminine energy than masculine energy. However, whether we have a masculine or feminine body, all people can express and operate with both energies. In other words, I, as a woman am perfectly capable to being rational, logical and analytical and the men I know are capable of being intuitive, emotional and imaginative.
To further help you understand this, there is a physical analogy: whether you are a man or a woman, you need progesterone (female hormone) and testosterone (male hormone) to have a healthy, functioning body.
This type of feminism or Feminine Masculine Balance (FMB) is described as empowering, respecting, and valuing the feminine in both men and women. It’s not what most people consider feminism today—which I consider womanism, because it’s focused on women, the very important issue of gender equality, etc. FMB is not meant to replace the other types of feminism but can complement them. I think it’s a pity that some feminists see all men as the enemy because men who are in favour of gender equality can often be more effective in changing the minds of misogynists than women can.
In valuing the feminine in both women and men, we elevate, for example, being intuitive, emotional, and imaginative to be equally important as being rational, logical, and analytical. By valuing and respecting the feminine, we can find the balance in the two energies.
From these concepts, I wondered what would happen if not only the feminine energies were empowered to the same level as the masculine but what if they could be blended? For example, by taking the feminine principle of sensitivity and the masculine principle of detachment/indifference, we could blend the two and have the principle of compassion. By blending the masculine principle of controlling one’s own life and the feminine principle of allowing others to control their own lives, there could be trust. There are many examples of this type of blending and from this I have discovered that the more we embrace the blend of the feminine and masculine, the more we can feel calm and at peace within ourselves, creating more harmonious communities and achieving a safer, healthier, more peaceful and abundant world for us all.
I selected some Feminine and Masculine principles and created a table, Blending Some Feminine and Masculine Principles, which you can download by subscribing to my email.
I love this book. Jacqueline so simply explains what's needed to make a better more peaceful world. There is barely a day goes by now when I don't notice a shift in thinking as so many of us move toward balance. The perfect example of the contrast on the world stage is the recent tragedy in Christchurch. Jacinda Arden's handling of the situation with love and compassion and a denial of any acknowledgment of the offender contrasted with the masculine approach of Donald Trump, who's offer to help had a force/military/police overlay. Be interested to hear from others who notice a change in balance.